
Personal Results. Customized Solutions.

At The Trichology Company Med Salon, we only offer the highest quality of customized Hair Growth and Scalp Therapy Solutions. Take a look at our service menu below to see the wide range of issues we address.

Hair Loss/ Thinning Solutions

Low-level laser therapy is an FDA- approved non-surgical method for treating androgenetic alopecia and male/ female pattern baldness. This treatment method combined with our hair growth and scalp therapy solution is guaranteed to help you regain hair and confidence.

Scalp Dermatitis

Inflammation of the skin is called dermatitis which occurs in many forms, causes are unknown, however, genetics, hormones, and yeast are found to be contributing factors. A series of customized treatments, vitamins, and amino acids are normally prescribed.

Healthy Hair Treatments

Color, chemicals, and stress on the hair can cause thinning and dryness over time. Our healthy therapy treatments naturally stimulate the scalp, exfoliates dead skin, and deliver important nutrients to the hair follicles to promote healthy hair. These treatments are combined with our signature in-salon hair services.

Common Concerns

  • Alopecia  Areata
  • Anagen Effluvium
  • CCC Alopecia
  • Dermatitis
  • Excess DHT
  • Female Hair Loss
  • Folliculitis-Inflammation
  • Hair Pulling-Trichotillomania
  • Hormonal hair loss
  • Lichen Planus
  • Male Pattern Baldness
  • Medication& Hair Loss
  • PCOS Hair Loss
  • Postpartum Hair Loss
  • Psoriasis
  • Telogen Effluvium
  • Traction Alopecia